Herbal Ally- Poison Hemlock

Poison Hemlock- NOT an edible friend, but an ally none the less!

Poison Hemlock knows about giving death, so working with this ally when you are needing to give death, whether it’s to old habits, parts of self that are no longer serving you, and in any other way is highly beneficial. It is a nervous system depressant that get activated from heat! Watch the video for a sad but eye opening story about how Poison Hemlock was misidentified and had its repercussions.

Ways to work with Hemlock:

-Plant brushings: Inviting the spirit of the plant to sweep away or “give death” to old parts of self that you are ready to release but may be hanging on to.

-Dreaming with it: Putting a spring near your bed or under your pillow and inviting it into your dreamtime space to sleep with you/teach you/work with you/heal you.

-Meditate with Hemlock

When we work with plants as allies, we are looking to receive wisdom/guidance/healing directly from the plant/spirit itself. Plants will show up for each of us differently so it is important to be patient, build a relationship with the plant spirit and LISTEN to what it has to share with you.


Wild Foods!


Herbal Ally Of The Week- Violets!