Herbal Ally- Yellow Dock

Yellow Dock is easily one of the plants that I get most excited about in the Spring. The spring roots are stimulating and can be decocted to make a liver tonic that will stimulate your liver, replace the iron in your body,and purify your blood and relieve constipation. Yellow dock is also mucilaginous so it helps us to coat our mucous membranes so our bodies can function properly. Energetically, the mucilaginous ways show up for its ability to make things slippery so we can release them with ease.

I love using Yellow Dock in replacement of any green that I might buy in the stores. I like to make pestos, tea, eat them raw, or add them to smoothies! It is also nice to mix and match your wild greens for different textures/tastes. The seeds later in the season are also delicious and nutritious and can be added to shakes, oatmeal, pancakes, and more!


Herbal Ally- Cannabis


Wild Foods!