For those ready and dedicated to their healing and growth

3 month Deep Dive Container

*In person or remote

$5,555 (payment plans available)

This is for you if:

  • You dream of a limitless life

  • You are spiritually ready to make change

  • You are willing & ready to invest in yourself, your healing & growth

  • You have a base of spiritual understanding & connection

  • You are open to & believe that anything is possible

  • You have already begun your spiritual healing path and are ready to anchor in and enter into deeper relationship with it

  • You are willing and excited to make change and take initiative to do this work inside and outside of our meetings


  • Weekly sessions: healings, coaching, mentorship

  • Inspired Home Exploration Prompts

  • WhatsApp Support

  • Access to any of my 1:1 services as needed: healing sessions, house clearing/blessings ceremonies, threshold ceremonies, cannabis healings, women’s circles (if applicable)

Work closely with me and I will support and empower you to gain greater clarity and understanding on what it truly means to be you embodying your dream life and to create the change that makes it possible.

  • We will meet weekly and dive into what is present for you, how this aligns with your vision for life, and how you can heal and grow to step into this dream reality. What’s holding you back? What are you afraid of? What truly are your dreams without ANY limitation?

  • In these containers you have full access to me. Weekly meetings, WhatsApp support, guided home exploration prompts. You will leave this container feeling transformed, connected to Spirit, in tune with the limitless truth of the cosmos, and empowered to take action in your life.

  • In partnership with the Earth and Spirit, we are supported!

It is our birthright to live the life of our dreams.

It is our work to heal and undo the conditioning that has us believing this is anything other than possible.